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日期:2023-01-08 阅读量:0 所属栏目:发表指导




  1. mitigate: v. 减轻, 缓和. (反 enforce)

  e.g.In this work, we focus onmitigatingthis problem for a certain class of symbolic data.

  2. corroborate: v.[VN][often passive](formal)证实, 确证.

  e.g.This iscorroboratedby our experiments on real-world graph.

  3. endeavor: n./v. 努力, 尽力, 企图, 试图.

  e.g.It encourages us to continue theendeavorin applying principles mathematics and theory in successful deployment of deep learning.

  4. augment:v. 增加, 提高, 扩大. n.增加, 补充物.

  e.g.We alsoaugmentthe graph with geographic information (longitude, latitude and altitude), and GDP of the country where the airport belongs to.

  5. constitute: v.(被认为或看做)是, 被算作; 组成, 构成; (合法或正式地)成立, 设立.

  6. abide: v.接受, 遵照(规则, 决定, 劝告); 逗留, 停留.

  e.g. Training a graph classifier entails identifying whatconstitutesa class, i.e., finding properties shared by graphs in one class but not the other, and then deciding whether new graphsabideto said learned properties.

  7.entail:v.牵涉; 需要; 使必要.to involve sth that cannot be avoided.

  e.g.Due to the recursive definition of the Chebyshev polynomials, the computation of the filtergα(Δ)fgα(Δ)fentailsapplying the Laplacianrrtimes, resulting cal operator affecting only 1-hop neighbors of a vertex and inO(rn)O(rn)operations.

  8.encompass:v.包含, 包括, 涉及(大量事物); 包围, 围绕, 围住.

  e.g.This model is chosen as it is sufficiently general toencompassseveral state-of-the-art networks.

  e.g.The k-cycle detection problem entails determining if G contains a k-cycle.

  9. reveal: v. 揭示, 显示, 透露, 显出, 露出, 展示.

  10.bestow: v.将(…)给予, 授予, 献给.

  e.g.Aiming tobestowGCNs with theoretical guarantees, one promising research direction is to study graph scattering transforms (GSTs).

  11.alleviate: v.减轻, 缓和, 缓解.

  12.investigate: v.侦查(某事), 调查(某人), 研究, 调查.

  e.g.The sensitivity of pGST to random and localized noise is alsoinvestigated.

  13. fuse: v. (使)融合, 熔接, 结合; (使)熔化, (使保险丝熔断而)停止工作.

  e.g.We thenfusethe topological embeddings with the initial node features into the initial query representations using a query networkfqfqimplemented as a two-layer feed-forward neural network.

  14.magnify: v.放大, 扩大; 增强; 夸大(重要性或严重性); 夸张.

  e.g. ..., adding more layers also leads to more parameters whichmagnifythe potential of overfitting.

  15.circumvent: v. 设法回避, 规避; 绕过, 绕行.

  e.g.Tocircumventthe issue and fulfill both goals simultaneously, we can add a negative term...

  16.excel: v.擅长, 善于; 突出; 胜过平时.

  e.g.Nevertheless, these methods have been repeatedly shown toexcelin practice.

  17.exploit:v.利用(…为自己谋利); 剥削, 压榨; 运用, 利用; 发挥.

  e.g.In time series and high-dimensional modeling, approaches that use next step predictionexploitthe local smoothness of the signal.

  18.regulate:v.(用规则条例)约束, 控制, 管理; 调节, 控制(速度、压力、温度等).

  e.g. ... whereb>0b>0is a parameterregulatingthe probability of this event.

  19.necessitate:v. 使成为必要.

  e.g.Combinatorial models reproduce many-body interactions, which appear in many systems andnecessitatehigher-order models that capture information beyond pairwise interactions.

  20.portray:描绘, 描画, 描写; 将…描写成; 给人以某种印象; 表现; 扮演(某角色).

  e.g. Considering pairwise interactions, a standard network model wouldportraythe link topology of the underlying system as shown in Fig. 2b.

  21.warrant:v.使有必要; 使正当; 使恰当. n.执行令; 授权令; (接受款项、服务等的)凭单, 许可证; (做某事的)正当理由, 依据.

  e.g. Besides statistical methods that can be used to detect correlations that warrant higher-order models, ... (除了可以用来检测支持高阶模型的相关性的统计方法外, ...)

  22. justify:v. 证明…正确(或正当、有理); 对…作出解释; 为…辩解(或辩护); 调整使全行排满; 使每行排齐.

  e.g. ..., they also come with the assumption of transitive, Markovian paths, which is notjustifiedin many real systems.

  23.hinder:v.阻碍; 妨碍; 阻挡. (反 foster: v.促进; 助长; 培养; 鼓励; 代养, 抚育, 照料(他人子女一段时间))

  e.g.The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of these matrix operators capture how the topology of a system influences the efficiency of diffusion and propagationprocesses, whether itenforcesormitigatesthe stability of dynamical systems, or if ithindersorfosterscollective dynamics.


  e.g.To learn the representation weinstantiate(2) and split each input MNIST image into two parts ...

  25. favor:v. 赞同;喜爱, 偏爱; 有利于, 便于. n. 喜爱, 宠爱, 好感, 赞同; 偏袒, 偏爱; 善行, 恩惠.

  26.attenuate:v. 使减弱; 使降低效力.

  e.g.It therefore seems that the bounds we considerfavorhard-to-invert encoders, which heavilyattenuatepart of the noise, over well conditioned encoders.

  27.elucidate:v. 阐明; 解释; 说明.

  e.g.Secondly, it elucidates the importance of appropriately choosing the negative samples, which is indeed a critical component in deep metric learning based on triplet losses.

  28.violate:v. 违反, 违犯, 违背(法律、协议等); 侵犯(隐私等); 使人不得安宁; 搅扰; 亵渎, 污损(神圣之地).

  e.g.Negative samples are obtained by patches from different images as well as patches from the same image,violatingthe independence assumption.

  29. compel:v. 强迫, 迫使; 使必须; 引起(反应).

  30.gauge:v.判定, 判断(尤指人的感情或态度); (用仪器)测量, 估计, 估算. n.测量仪器(或仪表);计量器;宽度;厚度;(枪管的)口径

  e.g.Yet this hyperparameter-tuned approach raises a cubic worst-case space complexity andcompelsthe user to traverse several feature sets andgaugethe one that attains the best performance in the downstream task.

  31.depict:v.描绘, 描画; 描写, 描述; 刻画.

  e.g.As they depict different aspects of a node, it would take elaborate designs of graph convolutions such that each set of features would act as a complement to the other.

  32. sketch:n.素描;速写;草图;幽默短剧;小品;简报;概述v.画素描;画速写;概述;简述

  e.g. Next wesketchhow to apply these insights to learning topic models.


  e.g.Moreover, the walk-topic distributions generated by Graph Anchor LDA are indeed sharper than those by ordinary LDA,underscoringthe need for selecting anchors.


  e.g.Another drawback lies in their unexplainable nature, i.e., they cannotdisclosethe sciences beneath network dynamics.

  35.coincide: v.同时发生;相同;相符;极为类似;相接;相交;同位;位置重合;重叠

  e.g.The simulation results coincide quite well with the theoretical results.

  36.inspect: v.检查;查看;审视;视察 to look closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be



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