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日期:2023-01-06 阅读量:0 所属栏目:师范教育

  教学内容:译林版《小学英语》四年级上Unit 5 Our new home (Fun time and Cartoon time)。
  2学生能听懂、会读、会说新单词“clock、 fridge、 table、 bathroom”以及用“Where’s/ Where are…It’s/ They’re…”句型来谈论家中物品的位置。
  1学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语“Where’s/ Where are… It’s/ They’re…”。
  Step 1: warm up and lead-in
  1 Show class rules
  T: Before class, I’ll show you my class rules I hope you can do these well First, listen carefully When I say “Attention”, you say “One, two” and listen to me Ok? Let’s try Second, watch attentively When I say “Eyes on me”, you say “Eyes on you” and look at me Then, think actively Try to answer my questions The more, the better Ok? Now, let’s begin our class
  2 Sing a song
  T: Let’s sing a song Do you know the name of the song?
  S1: Where’s the bird?
  T: Yes Look! Where is the bird now?
  S2: It’s in the sky
  T: Yes Now let’s play a game with it
  (1)Play a game
  T: Here are the rules If you see a word or a picture, please shout it out Are you ready?
  S: Yes Kitchen, bedroom…
  T: Good job!
  T: (Show a picture)The bird is still flying It flies to Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home Do you remember what they are looking for?
  S1: Bag, skirts and cap
  T: Yes Where’s the bag?
  S2: It’s in the bedroom
  T: Yes, you’re right How about the others? Now talk in your groups
  (3)Say a rhyme
  T:Look!You made a little rhyme Let’s read I’ll go first Listen to me(Can you try? Follow me)
  Students read the rhyme
  Where is my bag?
  It’s in the bedroom
  Where are my skirts?
  They are in the living room
  Where is my cap?
  Oh,my god !Come and look!
  It’s in the kitchen
  Step 2: Revision
  1 Show the picture of Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home
 T:(PPT显示聚光灯效果)Now, let’s visit new home again and I’ll show you around Follow me, ok? Look, this is living room And this is bedroom Then, I’ll take you to the kitchen Finally, I’ll show you the bathroom
  Review: living room、 bedroom、 kitchen
  Learn: bathroom
  2 Show the picture of Su Hai and Su Yang’s new home again
  T: What things can you see in their new home?
  S1: I can see a table
  S2: A clock
  S3: A fridge
  3 Brain storm
  T:You know so many rooms and furniture Do you know more?Now I’ll give you one minute Let’s say one by one
  S1: Sofa
  S2: Chair
  4 Draw and say
  T:We can put different furniture in different rooms Let’s draw!Look I can draw a fridge I can draw the skirts Can you?Now it’s your turn Choose one picture to draw I’ll give you one minute Let’s begin!
  T: OK, time is up(教师出示句型Where’s/ are… It’s/ They’re…)Now try to remember where the things are Then close your books and talk in pairs You have one minute!Let’s go!
  Step 3:Presentation and practice (Cartoon time)
  1 T: The bird was in the house just now but it isn’t here Where is it now?
  S: It’s in the garden
  T: Listen!How is the bird?Let’s watch the cartoon and answer
  2 Watch the cartoon and answer:
  T: How is the bird?
  S: It’s hungry
  T: Yes Let&rsqu o;s listen to their dialogue and try to imitate
  3Read the text by yourselves and answer
  T: So it’s hungry What would the bird like? Pay attention to the pictures They can give you some clues
  S1: Picture 3
  T: Yes From picture 3 we can find the answer Now let’s read and imitate
  T: This time, let’s listen to the whole dialogue Pay attention to these intonation marks
  4Reading time
  T: Now choose one way to read in groups
  5Acting time
  T:Here are some tips for you
  Step 4: Consolidation
  T: The bird is not hungry It brings Bobby and Sam to its home Look, where’s the schoolbag?
  S1: It’s in the bathroom(学生哈哈大笑)
  T: Yes The bird’s home is a little special Now let’s make a dialogue about it
  Step 4:Homework



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